Customer Profile Pushes


Customer profiles are pushed in plain json in array of elements as presented in the example below. Array could contain elements:


Customer Profile Patch

Customer Profile

Name Description Type/Supported Values
id Id of the Customer Profile long
createdDateTime Customer Profile date of creation datetime
createdById Customer create by Id long
updatedDateTime Customer Profile date of last update datetime
updatedById Customer update by Id long
version Customer Profile version long
tenantId Id of the organization long
isDeleted Flag if its deleted boolean
fullName Customer Profile Full Name string
firstName Customer Profile First Name string
lastName Customer Profile Last Name string
displayName Customer Profile Display Name - fullName if present or concatenated first and last name string
nickName Customer Profile Nick Name string
url Customer Profile URL string
imageUrl Customer Profile image URL string
email Customer Profile email string
phone Customer Profile phone string
street Customer Profile street string
postalCode Customer Profile postal code string
city Customer Profile city string
county Customer Profile county string
country Customer Profile country string
timeZone Customer Profile country string
dateOfBirth Date of birth of the CustomerProfile datetime
gender The gender of the person Enum {"undefined","male","female","other"}
language The default language set on the CustomerProfile string
isAdult A boolean value which is true if the person is an adult boolean
customAuthenticationFields Customer Profile custom authentication fields* json string {"key1":"val1","key2":"val2",...}
extendedProperties Customer Profile additional fields json string {"key1":"val1","key2":"val2",...}
contentType Patch Content string [CustomerProfile, Activity, Consent]


Name Description Type/Supported Values
id Id of the Identity long
createdDateTime Identity date of creation datetime
createdById Identity create by Id long
updatedDateTime Identity date of last update datetime
updatedById Identity update by Id long
version Identity version long
tenantId Id of the organization long
isDeleted Flag if its deleted boolean
externalId Identity External Id string
network The name of the social network enum {facebook, twitter, none}
tokenForBusiness Identity Token For Business string
profileUrl The url link to the profile string
myPageId Id in MyPage string
fullName Identity Full Name string
firstName Identity First Name string
lastName Identity Last Name string
displayName Identity Display Name - fullName if present or concatenated first and last name string
nickName Identity Nick Name string
dateOfBirth Date of birth of the Identity datetime
profileImageUrl The url link to the profile image of an Identity string
language The default language set on the Identity string
gender The gender of the person Enum {"undefined","male","female","other"}
isAdult A boolean value which is true if the person is an adult bool
priority Defines source for the identity enum { "defaultUnverifiedIdentity","defaultSocialNetworkAgentVerifiedIdentity", "defaultVerifiedIdentity","ticketmaster","myPageIdentity", "spenst" }
extendedProperties Identity additional fields json string {"key1":"val1","key2":"val2",...}
customAuthenticationFields Identity custom authentication fields* json string {"key1":"val1","key2":"val2",...}

Contact Point

Name Description Type/Supported Values
id Id of the Contact Point long
address Email address (only present for 'Email' discriminator) string
type Type of the phone (only present for 'Phone' discriminator) enum {"none", "mobile", "private", "work"}
number Phone number (only present for 'Phone' discriminator) string
city City of the address (only present for 'Address' discriminator) string
country Country of the address (only present for 'Address' discriminator) string
county County of the address (only present for 'Address' discriminator) string
postalCode Postal Code of the address (only present for 'Address' discriminator) string
timeZone Time zone of the address (only present for 'Address' discriminator) string
createdDateTime Contact Point date of creation datetime
createdById Contact Point create by Id long
updatedDateTime Contact Point date of last update datetime
updatedById Contact Point update by Id long
version Contact Point version long
discriminator Contact Point discriminator enum {"Email", "Phone", "Address"}


Name Description Type/Supported Values
id Id of the Credential long
type Type string
value Value of the credential string
createdDateTime Credential date of creation datetime
createdById Credential create by Id long


Name Description Type/Supported Values
id Id of the Tag long
name Tag name string

Activity Patch


Name Description Type/Supported Values
id Id of the Activity long
type Activity type string
actorId Activity create by Id long
createdDateTime Activity date of creation datetime
customerProfileId Customer Profile Id long
descriptionPlaceholders placeholders for activity Key-Value collection ["Key":"campaignTitle","Value":campaignTitle},{"Key":"linkToCampaign","Value":"http://..."}],}]
customData Activity additional fields json string {"key1":"val1","key2":"val2",...}
shouldCreateTransaction If activity grants points in the Reward system decimal
value Points value of Activity in the Reward system decimal
score Score activity contributes towards leaderboard's placing decimal
subtype subtype of activities string
contentType Patch Content string [CustomerProfile, Activity, Consent]

Name Description Type/Supported Values
id Id of the Consent long
isRevoked Flag if its revoked boolean
isExternal Flag if source of the consent is outside of Crowdmanager boolean
revokeDateTime Date of revoke datetime
customerProfileId Customer Profile Id long
identityId Id of identity which gave consent long
createdById Consent create by Id long
createdDateTime Consent date of creation datetime
consentSourceId Id of the source of the consent string
consentTextId Id of the consent text long
contentType Patch Content string [CustomerProfile, Activity, Consent]
Name Description Type/Supported Values
id Id of the consent text long
text Text, to which a person agreed string
isRequired Indicates whether giving a consent was required or optional for activity boolean
isEnabled Indicates whether consent text was enabled for participants boolean
ordinal Ordinal of the consent text int
consentPurposeId Id of Consent Purpose long
consentTextBundleId Id of Consent Text Bundle long
createdDateTime Time, when consent text was created datetime
createdById Consent Text create by Id long
Name Description Type/Supported Values
id Id of the consent source long
type Type of the campaign string
sourceId Id of the entity, where consent was given (typically campaign app) string
sourceType Type of the entity, where consent was given (typically campaign app) string
campaignAppId Id of the campaign app long
fromDateTime From when campaign is running datetime
toDateTime To when campaign will be running datetime
guid Guid of the campaign app string
shortUrl Short url to the live campaign string
url Url to the live campaign string
subtype Subtype of the campaign string
visualType Visual type of the campaign string
tenantid Id of the organization long
title Title of the campaign app string


plain json

    {    //Customer Profile
            "Fullname":"John Doe",
    {    //Activity
    {    //Consent
                "Text":"I agree to show this consent in documentation",
                "Title":"Sign Up (10)",

        next items in the batch
