

A list of Merchandise single items purchased by users using the Mobile APP or the WebShop Portal.
Items are linked to Users through the User ID (merchandise.user_id =>
Items can be grouped as single Orders using merchandise.id_order.

NOTE: The items fields include in some cases {key}_txt to provide a better description of the meaning of some values like for instance order_status.
Example: order_status and order_status_txt

GET Merchandise

Endpoint returning a list of single purchased Merchandise items


GET https://{systemURL}/api/merchandise

QUERY Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
date_init last_update Date from Unix Timestamp no all
date_end last_update Date to Unix Timestamp no all
count_elements Number of elements per response int (max = 200) no 10
page Response Page # int no 1
order Response ASC, DESC by last_update no DESC


Key Type Description
count Integer Total Number of Items
page Integer Defined by QUERY parameter page or ""
items Array Array of Merchandise Items Objects



Key Type Description
id Integer Unique identifier for the sale Item.
vat Float Value-added tax (VAT) amount for the order.
vat_percentage Integer VAT percentage applied to the order.
id_order String Unique identifier for the sale_order.
last_update DateTime Timestamp of the last update.
user_id Integer Unique identifier for the user.
order_amount String Total amount of the order.
payment_code String Unique code for the payment transaction.
order_datetime DateTime Date and time when the order was placed.
username String Username associated with the order.
recovery_mail_address String Recovery email address for the user.
phone_number String Phone number associated with the order.
recovery_phone_number String Recovery phone number for the user.
phone_guest String Phone number of a guest user (if any).
pickup_data String Data related to order pickup (if any).
user_address String Address of the user.
user_city String City of the user.
user_country String Country of the user.
user_zip_code String Zip code of the user.
user_created DateTime Timestamp of when the user account was created.
user_last_login DateTime Timestamp of the user's last login.
id_transaction_status Integer Status identifier of the transaction.
id_transaction Integer Unique identifier for the transaction.
order_no Integer Order number.
in_app_transaction Boolean Indicates if the transaction was made in-app.
redeem_status Integer Status of the redemption.
name_redeemed String Name of the person who redeemed the item (if any).
note_redeemed String Note associated with the redemption (if any).
from_redeemed String Source from which the item was redeemed (if any).
id_external_transaction String External identifier for the transaction.
notater_ticket String Notes related to the ticket (if any).
date_redeemed DateTime Date and time when the item was redeemed (if any).
from_redeemed_txt String Text description of the redemption source.
redeem_status_txt String Text description of the redemption status.
order_type Integer Type of the order.
order_type_txt String Text description of the order type.
order_status Integer Status of the order.
order_status_txt String Text description of the order status.
payment_type Integer Type of the payment.
payment_type_txt String Text description of the payment type.
sale_channel_txt String Text description of the sales channel.
result String Result of the transaction (e.g., "OK").
refund_detail String Details of the refund (if any).
refunded_amount String Amount refunded (if any).
cancel_detail String Details of the cancellation (if any).
prod_id Integer Product identifier.
prod_name String Name of the product.
prod_size String Size of the product (if any).
prod_conf Object Configuration details of the product.
prod_base_price Integer Base price of the product.
prod_additional Integer Additional cost associated with the product.
prod_disccount Integer Discount applied to the product.
prod_min_price Integer Minimum price of the product.
prod_max_price Integer Maximum price of the product.
price_subtotal Float Subtotal price before VAT.
vat_category String VAT category of the product.
order_final_price Integer Final price of the order after VAT and discounts.



Authorization: Basic your_access_token,
Content-Type: application/json


curl -X GET "" \
     -H "Authorization: Basic your_access_token"

Tri it here

Ticketing API Merchandise Endpoint


200 OK
    "count": "1418",
    "page": "2",
    "items": [
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            "vat_percentage": 8,
            "id_order": "4ec96430-ea6a-49a3-a610-0aafdda0269a",
            "last_update": "2024-08-16T09:30:01.488Z",
            "user_id": 1412742,
            "order_amount": "100",
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            "username": "AEH Account",
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