A consent represents a specific, informed and unambiguous indication, that physical person, represented by customer profile, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action upon participating in some kind of activity within CROWDMANAGER suite, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her. Terms of personal data processing are specified in included ConsentText. Activity, which person was taking part of upon agreeing to the consent terms, is specified in included ConsentSource.
Name | Description | Type/Supported Values | Supported Methods |
id | Id of the consent | long | GET |
isRevoked | Indicates whether consent was revoked by a person, and no further data processing, that depends on given consent, is legal | boolean | GET |
revokedDateTime | Time, when consent was revoked by a person | datetime | GET |
customerProfileId | Id reference of customer profile | long | GET |
identityId | Id reference of identity, using which physical person gave the consent | long | GET |
createdDateTime | Time, when consent was initially given | datetime | GET |
createdById | The actor_id that created this consent in our system | long | GET |
Linked Resources
Linked resource, that contains information about terms of personal data processing, to which a person agreed.
Name | Description | Type/Supported Values | Supported Methods |
id | Id of the consent text | long | GET |
text | Text, to which a person agreed | string | GET |
isRequired | Indicates whether giving a consent was required or optional for activity | boolean | GET |
isEnabled | Indicates whether consent text was enabled for participants | boolean | GET |
createdDateTime | Time, when consent text was created | datetime | GET |
createdById | The actor_id that created this consent text in our system | long | GET |
Linked resource, that contains information about activity, which person was taking part of upon agreeing to the consent terms. For now, activity can be only of type campaign app participation.
Name | Description | Type/Supported Values | Supported Methods |
id | Id of the consent source | long | GET |
sourceId | Id of the entity, where consent was given (typically campaign app) | string | GET |
sourceType | Type of the entity, where consent was given (typically campaign app) | string | GET |
campaignAppId | Id of the campaign app | long | GET |
guid | Guid of the campaign app | string | GET |
title | Title of the campaign app | string | GET |
shortUrl | Short url to the live campaign | string | GET |
url | Url to the live campaign | string | GET |
type | Type of the campaign | string | GET |
subtype | Subtype of the campaign | string | GET |
visualType | Visual type of the campaign | string | GET |
tenantid | Id of the organization | long | GET |
- The specified organization is required to have the interact module enabled.
Read a list
Returns a list of the consents for customer profile to which given identity belong and provided query parameters.
QUERY Parameters
Name | Description | Required |
identity-id | Id of any identity which belongs to particular customer profile. | True |
includeRevoked | Indicates whether to include revoked consents. Defaults to true. | False |
pageSize | Maximum returned participants. Defaults to 50. | False |
pageIndex | Skip certain amount of pages. Zero indexed. | False |
Authorization: Basic aaabbbccc111222333
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
"linked": {
"consentTexts": [
"id": "3",
"type": "consentTexts",
"text": "1st consent",
"isRequired": true,
"isEnabled": true,
"createdDateTime": "2018-04-24T09:48:01.177",
"createdById": 1207
"id": "4",
"type": "consentTexts",
"text": "2nd consent",
"isRequired": false,
"isEnabled": true,
"createdDateTime": "2018-04-24T09:48:01.177",
"createdById": 1207
"id": "5",
"type": "consentTexts",
"text": "3rd consent",
"isRequired": true,
"isEnabled": true,
"createdDateTime": "2018-04-24T09:51:28.843",
"createdById": 1207
"consentSources": [
"id": "1803_CampaignApp",
"type": "SignUp",
"sourceId": "1803",
"sourceType": "CampaignApp",
"campaignAppId": 1803,
"fromDateTime": "2018-04-24T09:46:31.99",
"toDateTime": null,
"guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
"shortUrl": "",
"url": "",
"subtype": "default",
"visualType": "signUp",
"tenantid": 1201,
"title": "Sign Up 1"
"id": "1805_CampaignApp",
"type": "SignUp",
"sourceId": "1805",
"sourceType": "CampaignApp",
"campaignAppId": 1805,
"fromDateTime": "2018-04-24T09:51:08.167",
"toDateTime": null,
"guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002",
"shortUrl": "",
"url": "",
"subtype": "default",
"visualType": "signUp",
"tenantid": 1201,
"title": "Sign Up 2"
"consents": [
"id": "1",
"href": "",
"type": "consents",
"isRevoked": false,
"createdById": 1803,
"createdDateTime": "2018-04-24T09:50:03.817",
"customerProfileId": 4,
"identityId": 1804,
"links": {
"consentText": "3",
"consentSource": "1803_CampaignApp"
"id": "2",
"href": "",
"type": "consents",
"isRevoked": false,
"createdById": 1803,
"createdDateTime": "2018-04-24T09:50:03.817",
"customerProfileId": 4,
"identityId": 1804,
"links": {
"consentText": "4",
"consentSource": "1803_CampaignApp"
"id": "3",
"href": "",
"type": "consents",
"isRevoked": false,
"createdById": 1805,
"createdDateTime": "2018-04-24T09:51:56.203",
"customerProfileId": 4,
"identityId": 1804,
"links": {
"consentText": "5",
"consentSource": "1805_CampaignApp"