
Base URL

Each endpoint should be prefixed with the Base URL. The Base url depends on the version you are targetting. Use the following Base URL for calling the current version is:{organization-id}

Your organization-id can be found on under your API settings.

Read more on our API versions.

Avaiable Endpoints

Endpoint Description
/campaignapps A campaign of any given type.
/consents Consent represents a specific, informed and unambiguous indication, that physical person, represented by customer profile, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action upon participating in some kind of activity within CROWDMANAGER suite, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her.
/identities Represents an acting persona attached to customer profile, which can have activities
/customerprofiles Representation of customer profile of a physical person interacting within CROWDMANAGER suite.
/files Used to view or update image files to a stream entry draft media.
/mypage/loyaltysummary Endpoint returning the loyalty balance and status of an individual.
/mypage/activity Endpoint used to import activities into CROWDMANAGER platform.
/participants Representation of contact info and personal data of a participant of a Campaign.
/socialnetworkpersons Content or actions on the social networks are authored or performed by people. A social network person is the logical representation of a single actor. For example, the person that posts a Tweet on Twitter is represented by a social network person on the CROWDMANAGER platform.
/socialnetworkstreams Logical representation of a social network account or profile which has given access to the CROWDMANAGER platform to retrieve any data or perform other types of action. This could be a Twitter Profile or Facebook Page. A connected social network stream is required to retrieve any data or publish any content through the CROWDMANAGER platform. A social network stream can be connected to the CROWDMANAGER platform through the account administration of the user interface ( : "Administration > Accounts".
/streamentries Social network streams consist of multiple type of items like tweets, posts, comments, private messages and so forth. All this type of content and actions on this content are represented as stream entries on the CROWDMANAGER platform.
/streamentrydrafts A stream entry draft is a wrapper object used for publishing new content to a social network. This draft can be persisted, scheduled and modified accordingly to fit the needs of the user before publishing to the targeted social network platform. To publish through the CROWDMANAGER platform, the creation of a stream entry draft is mandatory. After the draft is published, a stream entry shall be created representing the actual published content.
/streamentrydraftmedias A stream entry draft media is a representation of any type of media, attachment or visual representation of a stream entry draft (i.e. images, video, links, text titles and text paragraphs).
/streamentrymedias A stream entry media is a representation of any type of media, attachment or visual representation of a stream entry (i.e. images, video, links, text titles and text paragraphs).
/subscriptions A subscription defines an API Consumer defined endpoint where push updates will be pushed to.
/customerinsights/cmtoken Transformation endpoint exchanging passed token from supported provider into Crowdmanager token.